
I run weekly and monthly group sessions, workshops, longer programmes and retreats. The sessions are a culmination of the exploration and modalities I have discovered over the last 25 years that facilitate an opening to awareness; inherent freedom and health.

Current offerings are a weekly drop in meditation and breath session, monthly ‘True Expression’ and a six week ‘True Expression’ programme. Details and how to book are outlined below.

‘The discovery that peace, happiness and love are ever-present within our own Being, and completely available at every moment of experience, under all conditions, is the most important discovery that anyone can make.’

Rupert Spira

Weekly - 45 minute Breath and Meditation

Breath and Meditation to check in with your heart and being as you start the day. This will include a quick practice that can used at any moment in the day when you need to step back, drop in and recenter.

Sessions from Thursday June 20th, 8.15 am -9.00am GMT


A contemplative embodied practice with its roots in the Tantric Shastras. Incorporated are yoga postures, deep relaxation, breath work, enquiry and meditation. We will explore our experience of increasing subtlety : the physical including sensations, density, tensions and contractions; energy and breath; feelings and emotions; intellect, including thoughts; beliefs and images and awareness.

The sessions are not focused on improving or spiritualising individual body-mind. Rather, we reveal and welcome layers of conditioning, feelings and beliefs that appear to obscure our essential being and perpetuate the sense that we are a limited, located separate from the whole. 

Through welcoming, space can open and an untangling of core beliefs, tensions in the body and conditioning can occur. We may glimpse our essential nature and come to a direct experience and embodied knowing that we are not the limited selves that we mistakenly take ourselves to be.

The practices encourage you to become more aware of unconscious patterns and cycles of thinking and behaving that appear to veil our true nature and fulfilment in everyday life. Less bound by these fears and habits we can experience a natural realignment to the harmony of ‘our essential nature’ and a true expression of this in life.

Next session - Friday June 21st 2024 4-6pm GMT

True Expression - Group Programme

A 6 week programme that facilitates creating a life of love, meaning, and true expression. As a group you will have the opportunity to connect and share experiences.

We will begin from where you are and establish a remembering and realignment to the felt experience of ‘wholeness’, your true nature. We will connect to the heart and to what truly matters,  developing ways to align moment to moment choices with your truth and heart felt desires.

Through the weeks we will; explore through embodied practices the layers of experience that we take to be ‘me’; physicality, thoughts, feelings, sensations. We will bring awareness to these layers of conditioning that seemingly obscure our essence and living from the heart, wholeness and fulfilment. We will incorporate means to continuously realign to ‘wholeness’, especially in times of difficulty and uncertainty.

We will create space and develop means for meeting and transforming core beliefs, tensions in the body and conditioning. Deepening awareness of unconscious patterns, we will break the cycle of negativity that appears to veil your heart and true expression in life. 

Next programme begins Wednesday October 6th 2021 17.30- 19.00pm

‘‘What is, right now, is perfection.Presence has not arisen from the past and is not leading to the future. All appears presently as a play in awareness. The apparently separate individual may be involved with self-improvement, spiritual life or anything else throughout the unfolding of that life. Only the clarity of what You really are undermines the search for awakening or for being anything other than what already is’.

Nathan Gill